Our Tax Information: Rhabdomyolysis Foundation - EIN: 881414637 registered non-profit organization.
Tax-exempt 501 c3 status formally approved with the IRS!
Contact our team at: rhabdofoundation@gmail.com
Volunteer Staff
Meg Levis, Lead Volunteer Coordinator: Meg is a crucial member of our volunteer team. She successfully organized a fundraiser in coordination with the Chicago Spring Half Marathon in May 2024. She has been an advocate for rhabdo awareness to support the Foundation mission. Meg is working on the Rhabdo Awareness Month Campaign 2025!
Emily Shields, Sports Partnership Manager: Emily joined the Rhabdo Foundation after her own experience with the condition during her time playing D1 college lacrosse at the University of Southern California. She has been an advocate for rhabdo prevention among college athletes and is assisting the organization as our Sports Marketing volunteer. Emily also works in Wealth Management as a Client Associate and enjoys traveling, running and spending time with friends and family.